Shocking Effects of Vitamin Deficiencies

Shocking Effects of Vitamin Deficiencies

Did you know that nutritional deficiencies can cause debilitating health problems? Find out about the missing piece in modern medicine. 0:00 Introduction: Nutritional deficiencies and modern medicine 0:22 Neurasthenia 1:10 Tourette syndrome 1:55 Persecutory delusions 3:03 Restless legs syndrome 4:05…

The 1st Sign of a Methylcobalamin (B12) Deficiency

The 1st Sign of a Methylcobalamin (B12) Deficiency

Learn more about vitamin B12 and the surprising first sign of vitamin B12 deficiency. SUBSCRIBE TO MY NEWSLETTER HERE: DATA: GAS, INDIGESTION, ACID REFLUX, GERD: ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ The REAL Reason Why You Should Avoid…

The Common Vitamin Deficiency in Numb Hands and Pins and Needles

The Common Vitamin Deficiency in Numb Hands and Pins and Needles

One of the biggest causes of numb hands and feet has to do with a certain vitamin deficiency. Check out Dr. Berg Nutritional Yeast Tablets (with vitamin B12, methylcobalamin): ? Nerve Support (with Benfotiamine): ? 10 Side Effects…

The 7 WARNING Signs of a B12 Deficiency - Dr. Berg

The 7 WARNING Signs of a B12 Deficiency – Dr. Berg

Does Yoghurt Help Lose Weight? The fat content in the body exceeding normal levels and values leads to overweight cases and obesity. They are dangerous conditions which can lead to…