Why Women Can't Lose Belly Fat After Menopause

Why Women Can’t Lose Belly Fat After Menopause

SUBSCRIBE TO MY NEWSLETTER HERE: https://drbrg.co/3s5BUej Discover how to lose belly fat after menopause! 0:00 Introduction: How to lose weight after menopause 0:10 What is menopause? 0:37 The role of the adrenals in menopause 1:05 Understanding your hormones during menopause…

The #1 Best Food for All Menopausal Symptoms

The #1 Best Food for All Menopausal Symptoms

Find out why it’s not necessary for women to experience symptoms of menopause, and discover the best food for menopause symptoms. DATA: https://academic.oup.com/endo/article/143/5/1809/2989599 https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/modern-diseases/dangers-of-statin-drugs-what-you-havent-been-told-about-popular-cholesterol-lowering-medicines/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAqOucBhDrARIsAPCQL1aO6mZIt-0yZQlhzdw6QuM5oproQ6oRcZPftop5lbIf3lo8Kpjx-UwaAjMNEALw_wcB#gsc.tab=0 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7662478/ https://bmccancer.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1471-2407-9-187 https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0154337 0:00 Introduction: How to deal with menopause symptoms 0:40 Menopause explained 1:50 Understanding…

The #1 Best Remedy for Menopause and Menstrual Problems

The #1 Best Remedy for Menopause and Menstrual Problems

5 Most Effective Weight Loss Tips Time is limited in today’s lifestyle. The lack of time is probably the cause of poor eating habits. People tend to go for fast…

MÉNOPAUSE & ANDROPAUSE : comment gérer ?

MÉNOPAUSE & ANDROPAUSE : comment gérer ?

5 Tips to Weigh the Same in January As You Did in September Uh oh! It’s that time of the year again. The one that’s filled with candy, big dinners,…