The Dr. Berg Show LIVE – September 2, 2022

The Real Reason You Gained Weight

Are you unhappy with your weight, and thinking about going on another diet because you regained the weight you lost? Trying to solve a problem with the wrong solution won’t work, no matter how much discipline and will power you have!

The Lazy Person’s Guide To Losing Weight

The trials and tribulations of daily life can cause anyone to feel overwhelmed at times. Exercise is a great way to bring balance back to your world and inject a sense of discipline and purpose, even if you are accustomed to leading a relatively sedentary lifestyle.

Important Tips For Taking The Weight Off

It is no secret that many people try to lose weight and fail. They either do not plan according to a balanced diet with exercise, or they don’t quite get it together as to what to do.

Getting Into Bikini Body Shape: Motivation and Exercise

Each summer most of us strive to look great in a bikini. That time of year is upon us, and it takes a combination of healthy eating and exercise to get into Bikini Body shape. Last week we focused on eating healthy; this week we’re focusing on motivating yourself to tone up and get a bikini worthy body.

The World of Weight Loss – You Will Be Surprised!

As the new year approaches some of our thoughts will be on how to lose that weight we gained over the last year or just over the holidays. Either one will take a commitment regardless how much you want lose. One thing to remember is that it takes two weeks for anything to become a habit. If you can get pass these two weeks you will be well on your way to keeping your resolution.

What You Should Consider When You Want to Lose Weight

Losing weight is a big struggle for a lot people. Sometimes, the main problem is trying to accomplish too much in too short of a time.

Try Out These Simple Tips For Your Weight Loss Plan

If you’re trying to lose some extra weight, then undoubtedly you’ve ventured on a tough journey. However, the more you learn and the more changes you make, the better opportunities you have to capitalize.

Losing Weight the Healthy and Right Way

When losing weight, everybody loves to make it fast and instant. We only want a week to lose 20 pounds or we only want three days to lose 10 pounds, and although this can be tempting as the results of weight loss will be seen in just a couple of days, this is an unhealthy way to lose weight.

The Benefits of Joining A Weight Loss Center

Joining a weight loss center can be intimidating, especially if it is your first time. If you are new to weight loss programs, or you do not have a clue on how to track your calorie intake, or you do not have any idea on what exercise routine you have to incorporate in your weight loss plan, joining a weight loss center may help you sort things out.

Choosing A Healthy Lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be difficult, especially if you have grown in an environment of junk foods, crash diets, and no exercise. It can be both intimidating and discouraging, so much so that you stop in the middle of it and go back to your old ways, or you do not even try in the first place.

Things To Consider When Losing Weight

With all of the various fad diets being promoted in the market it is natural for a person to feel confused. Before using any product or service it would be smart to find out whether the product is safe and delivers results.

Green Coffee Extract A Trustworthy, Quick and Effective Dieting Nutritional Supplement

Amongst the latest medicinal breakthroughs in overall health is the breakthrough of a good and helpful nutritional supplement. Investigations tell the great rewards of combining green coffee extract vitamin supplements with weight loss plans.

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