Inspiration From Fitness Progression
Results are more powerful than fantasy. When you see your body change it has a powerful effect.
Is There A Best Diet for Weight Loss?If you put the words “best diet for weight loss” in any search engine, you’d get over 11,200,000 results. Just about all of them will disagree as to what the best diet for weight loss actually is. There is a difference of opinions. Some diets emphasize low-fat while others will declare that carbs, are the reason that your clothes tighter and tighter every day. Counting calories or points (the Weight Watchers method) is a popular approach. There are also elimination and intermittent fasting diets.
The Best Fitness Equipment: The Frog Vs Bowflex TreadclimberPersonally, I’m not a big fan of exercise(cardio) equipment, opting to use bodyweight exercises in Tabatas (High Intensity Interval Training)because I believe people become dependent “their (type of) machine.” But I do recognize that there are some great pieces of equipment out there so I thought I’d do a comparison of two of the fairly new and most effective machines, The Frog by Frog Fitness and The Treadclimber by Bowflex. Both are quality machines but are not without their strengths and weaknesses.
The Best Way To Burn Fat: EPOCExcess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC, informally called afterburn) is a measurably increased rate of oxygen intake following strenuous activity intended to erase the body’s “oxygen deficit”. In fact, the term “oxygen debt” is still widely used to this day. In recovery, oxygen (EPOC) is used in the processes that restore the body to a resting state and adapt it to the exercise just performed. Another use of EPOC is to fuel the body’s increased metabolism from the increase in body temperature which occurs during exercise. EPOC is accompanied by an elevated consumption of fuel. THAT FUEL IS FAT!
10 Facts Worth Knowing About Alkaline WaterA lot has been written about Alkaline Water and its benefits, but before you get started with this choice, do you know the facts and basics? Read on to find some of the important details!
Tips To Use Garcinia Cambogia Pills For Greater Weight Loss ResultsGarcinia Cambogia is Asian fruit that mimics a small pumpkin. Its rind has hydroxycitric acid that has proven to help in reducing weight and lower cholesterol. It is this acid that is extracted from the fruit to make weight loss pills. The pills when taken prevent the formation of fats in the body by blocking enzymes that lead to weight gain. With the blockage, the body is able to break down stored fat cells increasing fat burning and metabolism. The HCA also increases brain serotonin levels, limiting appetite and boosting energy.
Weight Loss Tips and Tricks For Effective Weight LossEveryone wants to look good today, especially the young. But more and more people today understand that looking good need not be healthy, and being healthy is more important than just looking good. Of course, the better deal would be to look good and healthy.
Dieting: Good or BadMany say dieting is a bad word; the joke about this word is that it has the word ‘die’ in it. So, it’s a ‘do or die’ thing. It may be hard to diet but it should not lead to mortality, although one must be careful and wise in choosing your dieting plan or method.
Different Types of Diet PlansAs many people who want to diet, there are almost that same number of diet plans available, whether in the market or self-professed. These plans are similar as well as different in their formulations, ingredients and calorie computations. Let us look at some of the more popular diet plans that have made many happy with their effectiveness.
Weight Watchers Vs Jenny Craig Vs Herbalife Vs IsagenixThe weight-loss industry is big business, and getting bigger – in spite of the recession. A recent study highlighted just how big the financial side of the industry is. Based on the findings of Marketdata’s 11th edition of the U.S. Weight Loss & Diet Control Market study, the worth of the weight loss industry was estimated at $61 billion in 2010. There are a lot of weight loss solutions out there, using various methods, at a range of prices. Let’s make an unbiased evaluation of four of them; two widely advertised on television, Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig, with the other two marketed via network marketing, Herbalife and Isagenix.
Calorie Shifting Diet Plan – A New Weight Loss ProgramWorking out in the gym may be a novelty as you embark on a weight reducing plan. You might be too tired or busy or unmotivated to make your way to the gym for those workouts to keep your weight loss consistent. It is hard to be consistent in any weight loss program that gives quick results in a short period.
Main Reasons Why Low Calorie Diets FailYou might come across a large majority of people who aim to lose weight using different styles of workouts and diet plans. They work out desperately and complement their efforts by taking a low calories diet, but they do not get the desired results. There has to be a reason for it, right?