Everything You Need To Start The 5:2 Diet
After hearing about the success stories of people who have tried the 5:2 Diet, you might be ready to work on your own weight loss success. In order to reap the rewards and to see a positive outcome, here are three things that you need to set you off in the right direction.
What Is The 5:2 Diet And Is It Right For You?If you are looking for a way to lose weight in a consistent manner, then you might like to try the 5:2 Diet. The concept is a type of intermittent fasting, which involves restricting your food intake two days per week, while eating normally for the remaining 5 days. This is also known as The Fast Diet. It became a very popular idea when a television documentary programme was aired in the UK in 2012.
Eating Healthy On A Budget Is PossibleLet’s Take a Look! To many people, the whole concept of ‘eating healthy on a budget’ might seem like a tough challenge. In fact, some more critical people dismiss the idea of being able to eat a wholesome healthy diet on a budget.
Healthy Meals To Lose Weight FastThe Big Question: How do you lose weight? Well, on paper, the formula is actually quite simple: you need to eat less calories and move around enough so you burn more calories. When you achieve these two conditions, you lose weight.
Quick Healthy Snacks For Weight LossIf you are trying to lose weight, you already know how much of an uphill battle it can be. It is very difficult to cut back on yummy food. In fact, you might find the very idea of cutting back on tasty snack items so hard that you might not be able to bring yourself to pull the trigger on your diet plans.
Foods To Avoid When Losing WeightThe hardest part about trying to lose weight is trying to avoid temptation. As the old saying goes, you can’t avoid it birds fly over your head, but you can stop them from nesting in your beard. Easier said than done.
The Pros And Cons Of The Paleo DietThe Paleo Diet is known by several different names. Some people call it the caveman diet, the stone age diet and even the hunter-gatherer diet. The reason is because the ideas are based on the ways that humans used to eat centuries ago. The main ideas include the fact that the diet is based on foods like fish, meat, fruit, nuts, roots and vegetables. These are basic foods that would have been sourced by our hunter-gatherer ancestors.
The Basics Rules of The 5:2 DietThe 5:2 Diet has proven to be a successful way to lose weight. The idea is that you eat normally for five days and for two days, you restrict your calorie intake. There are plenty of celebrities who have tried this diet and the pictures in the glossy magazines provide proof of how well it has worked for them. Here are some of the basic rules that you need to follow if you want to start your own weight loss journey by using the 5:2 Die
Great Sources of Carbohydrates for Active IndividualsPhysically active individuals, those that go to the gym and/or exercise regularly often require more energy than those that simply spend their time lounging around on the sofa in front of the TV every night. Take runners for instance, many runners often require vast quantities of carbohydrates, and they’ll even “carb-load” the night before a big race, in which they’ll eat huge amounts of carbohydrates in order to stockpile large quantities of glycogen (energy) to fuel their muscles the next day during the race.
How Does Sex Affect Your Cholesterol Levels?One smart researcher decided to check levels of sex hormones in people with high levels of cholesterol. To his amazement, he discovered low hormone levels of various substances in each of his patients. He theorized that the body was producing more cholesterol to increase the dwindling supplies of sex hormones downstream!
Effective Cardio Tools For Weight LossEffective weight loss happens with the right combination of a balanced diet and physical exercise. You can choose between hitting a gym or working out on your own, doing weight, jogging, running and cardio. While most people underestimate the importance of including cardio in their exercise schedule, the fact remains that it is one of the keys to an overall toned body.
10 Power Snacks That Burn Fat And Increase MetabolismDon’t let snacking sabotage your summer weight loss diet! Eating power snacks with the correct amount of nutrients and calories, will provide you with more energy and help you bring about weight loss. Protein provides the raw material needed for the growth of lean muscle, which helps your body burn more calories.